If there's one thing we women share, it's the lack of ability to find the right bra! If it's not the style, it's most definately the size! and sometimes, it's both! And in my experience, this is a regular occurance for big breasted ladies.
It's SO easy to see a beautiful bra, but have that niggling thought that '...they probably don't do it in my size', and then be proven RIGHT! Honestly, it's a pain in the boobs! One thing I've come to understand, is that material matters...ALOT! What can be done for people size 32AAA to 38D, 9 out of ten times, unfortunatlely cannot be done for those 38G and upwards. Which, I suppose is okay, and other times, you just gotta grind your teeth and go to the 'specialist shops'! Hmph!
No, but now,ALAS, thankfully,high street shops with lingerie depatrments have now began catering to the likes of the FF cups women out there. If you pop into Marks and Spencer, La Senza and Debenhams, you'll find equally beautiful bras ,not necesarily the same designs, not one size fitting all, but better believe, it's one price fits all!!....Just don't be expecting this from Topshop!(a girl can dream...)
hahahaha, or primark!