Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The real McCoy Vs Silicone.

Ok, so we all know that breasts can take many, different forms, like asymectric breasts , saggy breasts and many others. But the most obvious types of breasts that we see on a daily basis are - The real McCoy, a.k.a real natural breasts and Silicone breasts, commonly known as boob job/surgically enhanced breasts.
The worlds biggest natural breast reported to date belongs to a woman named 'Norma Stitz', with a world record size of 56WW, Never thought that was humanly possible, but what isn't??

The world biggest surgically enhanced breast belongs to a brazilian model called 'Sheyla Hershey', with a record breaking 38KKK! That is a dangerous size!!

Until I heard about this, I thought glamour model, Jordan was as big as they got....but after seeing that It makes my breasts look like chicken fillets in comparison, so I must say I'm happy, and so should you big chested ladies out there, because I reckon our back pain must feel like heaven to the likes of these two.


  1. 56WW, wow. not human at all.

  2. OMG they look like giant tears.
